For the last few years I've been a board member of the City of Chamblee Public Arts Commission. Part of what we do is work with artists displaying art in public spaces. Another part of what we do is help the community to actively come together for art-related events.

For the first annual Chamblee Chalk Walk, we didn't have a ton of resources, so I volunteered to help out with some of the branding and marketing. Since the event was being held on Juy 4th, a Summer theme seemed like a good fit. I thought pastel colors made sense too. From there, it all came together pretty quickly. A circle of pieces of sidewalk chalk, different colors and shapes, forming a sunshiny ring of community.

I also created a bunch of templates and social graphics for the promotional campaign.

For subsequent years, we've modified the type a bit, but retained the sunshiny ring that gives this mark its personality.





Case Studies